Light alloy die casting processes explained
While the ability to reduce physical weight has been a key driver behind increased demand for aluminium and other light alloy parts in recent years – properties including electrical and thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, corrosion and resistance are also attracting the attention of manufacturers in a multitude of industries.
Due to this unique range of characteristics, light metal can be used to cast complex, safety-critical components in automotive, electronics and aerospace. It also offers a cost-effective production option for simple parts from lighting components to kitchen tools.
To produce light alloy castings, three of the most common technologies are: high pressure die casting, gravity die casting and low pressure die casting. Each technology can support permanent casting process with gravity and low pressure also able to support semi-permanent casting processes.
In a permanent process, the metal die (mould) is re-usable. In a semi-permanent casting process, the metal die also incorporates one or more sand cores that will form internal passages within the final casting.
The main advantage of both permanent and semi-permanent casting is the suitability for process automation and large-scale production, making the techniques popular with high volume manufacturers.
Depending on the application, alloy part specifications can vary widely, from geometric complexity and wall thickness to metal density and strength. All of these, along with production speed and cost per item, determine which combination of casting technology and process foundries choose.
What is Die Casting?
What is high pressure die casting (HPDC)?
What is gravity die casting (GDC)?
What is low pressure die casting (LPDC)?
Browse our die casting solutions below:
High pressure die casting machines
Low pressure die casting machines
Automated die casting cells
Gravity die casting machines and cells
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What is Die Casting?
A Metal Casting Technology
Die casting is a metal casting process that involves feeding molten nonferrous alloys into dies under high pressure and at high speed to rapidly create molded products. The main materials used in die casting are alloys of aluminum, magnesium and zinc.
The die casting applications: In a Car near You NSD VINA Die casting LK machines produce a variety of components, mainly for the automobile industry.
In particular, Ryobi’s lightweight, durable aluminum die cast products help make automobiles lighter. Ryobi technologies might be at work in the automobiles you see every day.
Advantages of Die Casting: Die casting offers high dimensional precision and enables the mass production of thin, complexly shaped products.
Die Casting Process:
+ In die casting, mainly non-ferrous alloys are cast at high-speed and under high-pressure in permanent molds made of steel where they quickly solidify.
+ The metal melt is introduced into the mold by a piston at pressures of up to about 1200 bar. For this purpose, form-closing forces in the range of several tens of thousands of kN are required.
+ Due to the high-pressure even the finest details are formed.
+ The cost-intensive molds enable economical die casting only if the volume is sufficiently high.
The method is used when a large number of uniform parts with a fine surface finish are to be manufactured (serial production). The die casting machine makes this process extremely economical, since besides the high dimensional stability of the cast part time-saving and cost-effective mass production is possible. Depending on the material several ten thousand to one hundred thousands of castings can be produced with one die casting mold.