What is High Pressure Die Casting?
High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is a versatile manufacturing method for producing various product forms. The process forces molten metal at high speed and high pressure into a closed steel die cavity. The die is mounted to the die casting machine’s platens with its stationary and moving halves. With its injection end using hydraulics and pressurized gas to move a piston forward, the die casting machine injects the molten metal into the closed steel die. Utilizing hydraulics and mechanical toggles, the clamping end absorbs the injection pressure and holds the die shut while the part solidifies. The process can turn molten metal into a solid near-net-shape part in seconds, showcasing its versatility in various applications.
The three main metal groups used in this die casting process are aluminum, zinc, and magnesium. NSD supplies all three metals and employs cold and hot chamber high-pressure die casting turn-key solutions.
How does the high pressure die casting process work?
In a high pressure die casting process, molten metal or metal alloy is injected at high speed and high pressure into the mould.
Horizontal high pressure die casting machines ensure the die closes completely. These are rated by how much closing force they can apply and, for LK Diecasting machines, that can range from 30 to 20,000 tonnes.
Depending on the metal being used, the injection unit that fills the mould can either be hot chamber or cold chamber. In hot chamber die casting, the metal is held within the diecasting machine itself, then drawn into the chamber and forced into the mould by the injection piston. These parts of the machine are in constant contact with the molten metal.
In cold chamber process the metal is first melted in a separate furnace and transferred to a holding furnace, then poured into a shot sleeve and injected into the mould. LK offers a wide range of cold chamber high pressure die casting machines.
Advantages of High-Pressure Die Casting
High-Pressure Die Casting can produce large, light-alloy parts in high volumes at great speed and efficiency. The HPDC process also delivers parts with superior surface finish, excellent uniformity, and optimum mechanical properties.
Another advantage of High-Pressure Die Casting is that it generally doesn’t require much machining thanks to excellent dimensional accuracy and smooth surfaces. Compared to other manufacturing processes, high-pressure die casting is an efficient, economical process that:
Produce strong, lightweight parts that require less machining than fabricated parts
Create complex and intricate shapes in a single piece, eliminating the need for assembly or welding
Offer a more broad range of shapes than other metal manufacturing techniques
Achieves close tolerances

Advantages of LK Die Casting Machines
LK Machine is a leading global supplier of HPDC, high pressure, cold chamber, semi-solid metal aluminium and magnesium die casting machines from 130T to 20,000T (1,300 to 200,000 kN tons) with servo hydraulic injection. Furthermore, our hot chamber Zinc die casting LK machines from 8T to 400T (80 to 4,000 kN tons) are well-known and most famous brand over the world. Our Italy RD center, centrally located in Via Dei Metalli, 2 25039 Travagliato Brescia, Italy, is fully equipped to support sales, service, parts, and customer training.
We have provided over 80,000 High Pressure Die Casting machines to the worldwide market since 1979. Our global manufacturing and world-class engineering capability, along with our long heritage of industry leading innovation, reliability, and precision, continue to make us the most proven and reliable partner for your die casting machinery needs.
Our full spectrum of machines fulfils three performances demanded of die casting machines: operational ease, fast cycle, and high-quality shots for thin wall and structural casting.
NSD VINA CO., LTD - Industrial Solutions
Add: 03, Violet 1, Vinhomes Gardenia, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 024-6688-2448
Email: info@nsdvn.com
Advantages of the high pressure die casting process
High pressure die casting technology can produce very large light alloy parts, in high volumes and great speeds.
These machines deliver light alloy parts with high precision, superior surface finish, excellent uniformity and optimum mechanical properties.
The high pressure die casting process can also produce components with thin walls and "co-cast” parts with different types of inserts, such as screws and liners, that then become an integral part of the product itself.
Cold chamber high pressure die casting technology is ideal for production of a diverse range of aluminium and magnesium automotive castings such as engine blocks, gearbox casings, oil sumps, engine mounts and structural parts like cross-car beams.
It is widely used in other sectors to manufacture components in applications that range from the simplest – a lighting component – to the most demanding, such as aerospace engine parts.
Discover our high pressure die casting solutions here:
TF Two Platen Toggle Free Die Casting Machines:
The TF series of toggle free die casting machines includes a wide range of models with closing forces from 1000 to 5700 tonnes. Our TF toggle free die casting machines are reliable, rigid and flexible.
IP & IPr Three Platen Die Casting Machines with Toggle:
The IP and IPr three platen die casting machines with toggle are available with closing forces ranging from 200 to 4400 tonnes. Our IP and IPr die casting machines are solid, reliable and ensure high productivity cycle times.
Turnkey Fully Automated Cells:
Flexible, fully automated work cells for light alloy casting production. We engineer automated work cells for three die casting processes: high pressure die casting, gravity die casting and low pressure die casting.
Advantages of the high pressure die casting process
Aluminum Die Casting Capabilities Suitable for Projects of All Sizes As aluminum die casting manufacturers, we set ourselves apart with a process that consistently delivers quality die casting parts. We dedicate each of our seven facilities to a single manufacturing process so that our skilled technicians can focus on individual productions. Our eight die casting machines are each equipped with their own melting furnace and range in capabilities from 350 to 3,500 tons. That means we can support the production of a wide range of component sizes.
4 Reasons to Work With NSD for LK Die Casting machine
With the sheer number of original equipment manufacturing (OEM) companies in operation throughout the globe, it can be difficult to know how to choose an OEM partner. At this point, you understand the services you need, but you might not yet know the differentiators that make a great OEM partner. As you narrow down your options, it’s important to keep these four characteristics in mind:
Quality of standards, components, and raw materials
On-time delivery based on an agreed-upon schedule that emphasizes fast lead times and quality products
Experience with a variety of industries, processes, and cutting edge technologies
Customer service that incorporates quality assurance throughout the process
For many year, NSD VINA’s commitment to quality, flexibility, and timeliness has gone unmatched in the industry. We offer a breadth of manufacturing capabilities suitable for many industries, including powersports, automotive, healthcare, and more. Our skilled technicians produce precision components and products with one of the fastest lead times in the industry. To ensure we always provide our clients with the highest quality products and processes, we continuously implement the latest technologies.
In this article, we expand upon the four core capabilities that we briefly touched on above. In our three decades of experience, we have found these capabilities to be the most important to creating and maintaining successful partnerships.
Die casting
Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity. The mold cavity is created using two hardened tool steel dies which have been machined into shape and work similarly to an injection mold during the process. Most die castings are made from non-ferrous metals, specifically zinc, copper, aluminium, magnesium, lead, pewter, and tin-based alloys. Depending on the type of metal being cast, a hot- or cold-chamber machine is used.
The casting equipment and the metal dies represent large capital costs and this tends to limit the process to high-volume production. Manufacture of parts using die casting is relatively simple, involving only four main steps, which keeps the incremental cost per item low. It is especially suited for a large quantity of small- to medium-sized castings, which is why die casting produces more castings than any other casting process.[1] Die castings are characterized by a very good surface finish (by casting standards) and dimensional consistency.
Die casting equipment was invented in 1838 for the purpose of producing movable type for the printing industry. The first die casting-related patent was granted in 1849 for a small hand-operated machine for the purpose of mechanized printing type production. In 1885 Ottmar Mergenthaler invented the Linotype machine, which cast an entire line of type as a single unit, using a die casting process. It nearly completely replaced setting type by hand in the publishing industry. The Soss die-casting machine, manufactured in Brooklyn, NY, was the first machine to be sold in the open market in North America.[2] Other applications grew rapidly, with die casting facilitating the growth of consumer goods, and appliances, by greatly reducing the production cost of intricate parts in high volumes.[3] In 1966,[4] General Motors released the Acurad process.[5]